12th July, 2023

I am a permanent part time employee with a contract that alternates weeks but is otherwise unchanging. Unusually, I ended up with a morning shift today, so unfamiliar that I had made an appointment for the middle of it based on my usual situation of having mornings clear. Bugger, scrambled to reschedule that last night. I should have been more aware as it's been there in my roster for the last two weeks. Old age ?

I was reminded why I hate daytime shifts. Apart from the inconvenience of having to milk 6 hours late and wedge that, the third round of sheep foot spraying and feeding the chooks into the remaining daylight on very overcast day. It was that the general public are grumpier during the day shift. They are tenser and more impatient. No idea why, but the whole night shift vibe is different.

We also have telstra outages at the moment which are affecting the connection to banks and whether phones have data. There were alot of customers who rely on their tech getting a rude shock, the old school card users or even older school cash buyers were grinning.

On the farm front I had to walk Annie up the stairs from the shearing shed to the dairy as the stock yard was full of steers. Leigh, not unreasonably thinking I had milked in the morning, had the yards full of steers ready for some kind of movement early tomorrow. Just as well my dairy girls are adaptable.

The sheep are becoming more used to the race in the shearing shed, all but one walked in willingly for their snack. I'll spray anyone still limping again tomorrow and then see how they go, with maybe on more round of snack without any treatment. Zoos teach all sorts of animals to present bits of their body for examination.... I wonder if it's too late to teach old sheep new tricks and teach them to present feet for trimming and treatment. I am sceptical.

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