24th July, 2023

Got up a bit earlier to help Robyn with her calves. We also tagged and loaded some cull cows and split out the autumn calves from the yearlings before weighing, backlining and ear punching the yearlings. The ear punch was for testing the up and coming heifers for genomic quality. I will be interested in the results. 

Ernie and James (Annie and Sorcha's steer calves) should be with this group but they relocated themselves in with the dry cows. Jazz was there and was weighed at 232kg, quite respectable. She is a bit too smart for her own good and was last through, dodging all the earlier drafts. Then she realised she was on her own and rethought the strategy.

Came home and milked Annie, fed the chickens and cleaned up the kitchen. Then I made a few phone calls. The survey plan has been signed by Council and sent off to the Lands Office. Jason will call them tomorrow and ask for expedition. We could be about six weeks from settlement, after all these years !

I have come down with some lurgi that is fogging up my head, sinuses, throat and headache. Meh. If I'm not any better by morning I'm going to need to call in sick again.

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