16th August, 2023

The calves were alive and had a good appetite this morning. It is always a worry when you change their feed and housing, as they are so fragile for the first couple of weeks. They slugged back breakfast and dinner and seem quite cheerful.

The weather was cold and drizzly today, I am glad the calves have good shelter and deep straw to curl in. The other cattle and sheep all have access to shelter, except for Jack and Gizmo across the road. Jack could stand to use some calories keeping warm, and Gizmo has nothing to do except eat and get fat so he's not suffering too badly either. When the 75 acre section goes they will join the girls over here on easy street.

I had morning tea with Michelle today. Michelle used to work with me at Woolies, was a dog groomer who groomed Poppy, and also runs the North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania. Both the current girl cats came to us through NEAST. Michelle is recovering from an ankle injury and it was lovely to see her as she lives quite some way from Scottsdale.

I made an oven pancake for lunch. Three eggs, half a cup of milk and half a cup of flour. Mix to a batter, put in a preheated pan in the oven, with a tablespoon of butter. You can make it savoury or sweet, I like to drizzle caramel sauce over it before putting back in the oven to bake (190C for about 12 mins) and the caramel bakes into the pancake. It turns out about a foot across, similar to yorkshire pudding in texture.


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