23rd October, 2023

With the forecast for "mostly sunny" I put a load of washing on last night to be ready to hang out first thing and save an hour in getting the weeks washing through in one day. I got up with Geoff and put a second load on, so I had two ready to go when the sun warmed up. The rest chugged through, including all the lounge blankets that are a bit, er, doggy.

The weather itself started off glorious, fading in and out all day. Jason and the others that have cut an early batch of silage will be stoked at the 35mm of rain followed by good sun. All my baby paddock trees will love it too.

I've calculated the milk reduction regime for the calves, they're now getting into the muesli so weaning will begin. Milk is $144 for 20 feeds, while muesli is $33 for 20 feeds.

I had a response to the Council job application. I had the interview a couple of weeks ago as they were looking for part time admin workers. With the delay since I assumed I didn't get the job, however it turns out they had an internal juggle and while they have filled the Bridport admin roles they are now looking for a full time admin at Scottsdale. They want to know if I want to put my hand up for consideration in the full time role. I did give it some serious thought, but the farm's not ready to be run on weekends.

It was a real conundrum, no more Woolies and a chance for my body to heal, but less flexibility for running the farm and getting out and about during the day. If I don't go for the full time they want to hold my application for future part time and project work.

I had lunch with Kelly, at the Ellesmere Patissere. We ended up leaving when they pulled all the seats in from the pavement, a bit like when the pub starts putting the chairs on the tables. We also stopped by the Amish vege stall, they are post winter veges and pre spring veges, so we picked up some apples and spuds.

At least we have lots of greens in the house garden, here's a shot of some of the self seeding rainbow chard that has now turned into small trees.


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