9th February, 2024

It's been a busy few days of seemingly achieving not alot, yet being flat out. I am not sure where the time is going.

The place is getting dryer, the weather is hotter, I am watering more. Housework is backing up on me, almost keeping up with the urgent admin but personal stuff is on hold. Need to get mineral blocks out for the cows and sheep and put a broody in the pen, and get Belle preg checked again. 

I turned off the electric on the fences as the dried grass is up on the hotwires and I don't have a whipper snipper to clear it because the one I bought died the on its first use and the hardware shop has to do a warranty on it. Don't want to start a grass fire.

The cats are bringing in rats, big ones. Thankfully dead. Someone (Shadow ??) brought in a dead bird and hid it under the washing machine. Now I will have to move the washing machine to clean that up. Hmmm.

The vet students will be back tomorrow night for a few days. I think we will bring the long wood beams back over from the 75 acres. Too heavy for one person to drag, too long for two people to carry. Three of us should do it ok, and there are only 7 to get. Better figure out where I am going to store them ! Maybe on the high side of the feed bunks ? At least they will be out of the mud and dry out.

Poppy is choosing to come inside most days and often at night. She has her own bed that has to be more comfortable than the loungeroom floor, so I am not sure why. I suspect her eyesight is going, perhaps she feels safer inside. The old girl is slowing down, need to have a chat with a vet about aging.

No word on the job application, so I sent my resume off to Sheep Connect Tas and NRM North. I know the Defence facility was hiring and didn't get any applicants, so I'll explore what jobs are available there. I don't really want to do a full time day job, but I don't know how much longer I can sustain the load at Woollies as we are so understaffed and the shop is getting busier exponentially. 

The hard workers are getting burned out and the ones that were always just showing up are doing the same thing they always have and are fine. I don't fancy being the last one standing as all the good workers are looking for other jobs.

The tv that is the camera display screen died this week. I have a new one coming from Office Works, but at the moment I feel a bit blind. I have gotten used to being able to check the gate with a glance when the dogs bark. Without the camera I have to walk half way down the hill to see if there is someone at the gate.

Anyway, off to bed. I hope to have a good nap tomorrow and get some farm stuff done in the cool. Maybe I should adopt a Mediterranean style life and get up early, work in the cool, come back and sleep in the heat, and go back out again in the cool of the evening. Siestas !

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