6th March, 2024

It was slated to be a hot one and did eventually get there. It's so dry for Tasmania. Robyn next door will be drying her cows off early because she has no more irrigation water for the pastures and it's green grass that makes milk. I have seen the same with Annie, she has plummeted from five litres surplus each day to none at all. So I am just feeding her in the bale to keep condition on her.

I put out the new dry feed block and the cows hit that immediately. They also enjoyed a couple of buckets of apples. I think I have two weeks of apples left and then the trees will be starting to dry leaves out ready for autumn. I picked up more chaff, if it goes another week without rain I will stockpile Annie's feed and pellets for the calves and feed will get hard to source.

Robyn and I went to dry cow seminar in Derby, where there were lectures, a meal and some games. I came top of the quiz and won a canister of dectomax along with the kit to use it. I don't use injectible wormers on the cattle so I gave that to Shaelyn and her family to use as Robyn already has a canister.  There were also a couple of different padded satchels, one of which is the perfect size for my smart phone and one which has a heap of pockets like an apron. I'll think of a use for that. And a cap. In summer ag prizes include caps and in winter it's beanies. I give the caps to Geoff and I keep the beanies.

Here's some of my small squares loaded on the carryall ready to move.

And all 30 stowed safely in the hay shed. A shed full of hay makes a farmer feel more wealthy than a wallet full of notes.

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