7th November, 2024

We've had a couple of warm days, circa 25C. Clouds coming and going, wind coming and going. We are now ready for another fall of rain to keep the grass growing.

The critters are on their second strip of grazing. They were on the first strip for two days and really did have another day, so I will give them three days on the second strip to allow 2 1/2 days on each before moving to the next one.

I had an interview for the casual admin job at May Shaw today. I think it went well. Right now they are looking for someone from 8am to 4pm Wednesdays, with more days starting in 2025. I know they contacted Pauline to get a reference, not sure about Sharon or Dr Deb. Three days a week would be good, 21 hours over and done with in three days at casual pay rates.

We've been spending hard over the last month getting stuff done around the farm, time to duck down and take some time paying that off before the next round. The cost for the fertiliser for the hay pastures was alarming, but it was needed and it actually did make quite a difference in grass growth.

I had to bring Finn in from outside tonight. Normally he spends the days inside due to his loss of pigment on his nose (sunburn risk) and Poppy spends the nights inside because she is old and likes to sleep by our bed. But he was barking his fool head off and when I went out with a torch to see why I found the target was a very small quoll hiding under the red ute. 

Quolls are chicken killers, but they are native animals and I would rather this one live to fight another day. Hopefully it will decide this place is too doggy and move on. If it doesn't and decides to go for a chicken dinner I will have to trap and relocate it. At least it has had a chance to learn about the dogs in a non-fatal contact.

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