27th December, 2024

So, the weather has been mainly dry with just enough rain to keep the grass growing. Temps mostly low 20's with the odd excursion down to snow weather and one tilt at high 20s. Last night was a windy and damp one and the morning misty and cold, but the bit of rain and the cool change was a welcome relief from the hot and muggy conditions.

Jason baled the second area and I got 22 bales out of that, for a total of 34. Three short of last year, but I did have a decent area grazed off. The second lot of bales have been moved into the barnyard ready for stacking, Bessie and I managed those. They are packed a little lighter and the grass was a little dryer when baled. I also know a bit more about an appropriate rev range for carrying, so it wasn't too bad a chore.

I no longer need to milk Belle every day, Tiddy is taking all she makes. Indeed, if I want milk I have to shut her away from him overnight to get a decent amount. I will probably have to make a decision soon about whether to wean Abe and go to milking Annie, or buy milk for a month or so.

We got the septic pumped out and the guy checked the pit over at the cottage. It was partly full of kids clothes, the previous tenant's small child being the habit of flushing her soiled short and undies. So that one got a pump out too. This should hold both pits until my super comes out and I replace both with new systems.

I heard back from Ochre Health, they appointed someone else. Which is fine, because I've signed the contract with May Shaw and filled out about a dozen forms and once those are finally processed by HR I might even get a start date. The pay rate is $35.26 an hour, which is casual rate. No word on the hospital job yet, though the person who interviewed me for that sent me an add for a part time job there as opposed to the relief casual that I interviewed for.

Geoff has got most of the main drive area mowed, some areas have had a second and third mow as the grass is growing back quickly. Once the initial four foot high grass is down the follow up mows take a fraction of the time.

The potatoes in the raised beds are going gang busters, the hops are doing well, apples of both cider and dessert varieties are happy. I am picking cherries, but didn't get any peaches or plums set due to the wind. I have jerusalem artichokes in abundance too, I do enjoy those fried.


Geoff on the new mower

May Shaw and the NESM Hospital

 Jason baling the second paddock

(video, click arrow to play)

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