Yesterday was hot and dry, despite a forecast of 80% chance of 5 - 10 mm. I was a bit disappointed but not surprised. But then in the wee small hours the heavens opened and we ended up with 12mm ending at about 7am. Everything is happy.
Had a lovely quiet day where I only did the essentials and had a nap as well. I prepared my salmon puff entrees and we took them to dinner with at Mark & Sally's with Juliet, Shane, Thomas, Pete and Tim. It was a lovely night.
I usually add some balsamic pearls to the top of the salmon puffs, and wondered how they are made. Turns out you need oil, balsamic vinegar and agar agar. And you can make pearls with just about any liquid. So I think for christmas gifts I will make a variety of pearls. eg lemon, coffee, honey, strawberry and lime, blueberry, basil etc.
When we got home I went to hang out the last load of washing and heard one of my cows bellowing. That always bears checking out, so I grabbed a torch and headed out into the paddock to find Jaffa's calf, Eloise, on the wrong side of a fence. Moments like that I am glad my herd trusts me, as I opened a gate and walked Eloise towards it and Jaffa took the hint and headed up the fenceline to meet her. All the other cows came running to be in on the reunion, but Jack got left behind in the rush. So I walked up to meet him and showed him where the open gate was with the torch so he could rejoin the herd without having to walk the fenceline.
Feeling rather pleased with myself, and enjoyed the walk in the cool night. On my way back I found three cats waiting in the long grass to walk with me. So my posse and I strolled back the long way sniffing the clean air and looking at the bright stars. We are so lucky to live here !
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