15th July, 2023

Another downpour overnight, some sunshine in the afternoon. Seems like there will be a frost in the morning, dare I hope for a sunny day ?

It was Geoff's birthday today. He left for work about 7pm while I was still asleep. We passed each other on the way in/out at work and when I got home after 9pm he was on his way to snoring on the lounge with Sarge. Not much of a celebration, will do more tomorrow when I am not working :-) 

Got in touch with the mobile butcher today. He wasn't sure he was going to continue with the business but would keep me in the loop. I think I will enact Plan B for Toot and see how things pan out with Little Moo with the mobile butcher. If that falls through then Toot will have broken the ice with the other avenue. Best laid plans of mice and men.

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