21st July, 2023

Today was sunny with only a light breeze. It was even warm enough to go with a tshirt in the middle of the day. I think all the animals were just basking in the warmth.

Despite waking with a cough and headache, it was too nice not to make the most of it. I did a thistle spray of the whole farm, and I think I'm on top of the thistles. I nuke the ones that the livestock won't eat and leave the ones they will. Generally that means killing the ones with a purple flower and leaving the ones with a yellow flower. They occupy the same niche, so I am applying selection pressure for the ones I'd rather have on the farm.

I also re-strawed all the nesting boxes, folded and sorted all the accumulated feed bags, changed the battery in the solar fence charger, put out the star pickets for the next section of fence, cable tied the pipe to the latest plumbed in trough, and did two loads of washing.

To top it off I took the old fabric bedding out of Finn's new apple box bed and replaced it with fresh straw. He was alot more willing to climb in and lay down, so fingers crossed he might now use it. When summer comes I will wash and dry the stinky stuff and see if he'll use that on top of the straw.

There are some plants putting on a show in the garden right now. This one is always the first to bloom.

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