20th July, 2023

The forecast for tonight was for down to 2 degrees C and heavy rain. I brought Ox Boy back over to the 25 acres and shelter and hay as the combination of cold, rain and wind is hard on animals that have less then optimum winter coat or fat for insulation.

I also put mineral lick out for the sheep and cattle. When the grass is lush and has alot of water in it, the nutrition can be low. The lick will help top up the essential bits and pieces for their health.

I checked on my silver birch today, a trio of baby trees in their own piece of architecture. You can't see much of the trees in this picture, but the wood and mesh guard will protect them from sheep and cattle that love browsing on young branches. Once they are tall enough to be higher than the rails they should also be out of reach of teeth.

If you click on any of the photos in this blog a larger version of the picture will come up.

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