28th July, 2023

Bit of a scramble this morning to milk in the rain. The dairy is roofed, but some wind directions carry the rain directly in the front. Annie is liking the new lucerne pellets. I don't want to give her too many as they are higher in protein and will increase her milk production, but half a scoop adds some lollies to the breakfast.

I went straight from milking to fire up Bruce and put a round bale out. I'd left his windows open accidentally so I had to mop up the wet floor before we went into action. The ground was soggy again after last night's rain, but the new handbrake meant I could park him in a better position and minimise the tracking. 

This bale should last nearly a week, the last possible day for it before he goes back to Robyn. I'll have to use Bessie from now on. We are right in the "hungry time", that deep winter when the grass goes dormant. I will open up the ryegrass paddock soon so it can be eaten down before being locked up in September for haying.

After a quick breakfast it was into Scottsdale for a meeting with the Breast Screen caravan. Not my favourite way to spend 15 mins, but a sensible thing to do every year or two. By way of consolation for the squishing I stopped by Ellesmere Patisserie and bought a hazelnut pastry for morning tea. 

I had an unusual 1pm to 7pm shift, six hours including an unpaid half hour break. Bit of a waste really, if we had a nap room I could have had a power nap and done something useful with the time. It means I was home for dinner at a normal time, but we've been interrupted by a short circuit of some kind in the freezer power point. An extension cord and power board has the two freezers and the fridge back online again. Hopefully the electrician in the house will find the fault soon...

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