A New Beginning

Today is a bleak day, a very cold, wet and windy day. So cold, wet and windy that I've had a chance to create a new blog to try and chronicle the doings at Highclere Farm in Tasmania.

For the journey starting in Dubbo and ending up in Tasmania you can read my former blog at " Oaklands - A Vertical Learning Curve ".

For a good summary of the farm and our location at Scottsdale you can check out the short series of posts on " Highclere Farm ".

This isn't going to be an entertainment blog or an educational blog, although I am happy to answer any questions or explain anything further. It's just a diary of the comings and goings and happenings and photos for me to look back on, and if you find some zen in it, that's great too. 

I aim to post each evening, but there will be some days when nothing happened. 

The image I have used for the blog background is this view from the Sideling Lookout over the area containing Springfield, Scottsdale and Highclere Farm. I am not sure who took the photo, but they did a nice job.


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