31st August, 2023

The last day of winter was a typical Nasty Spring day, damp and windy to the point that it made simple chores difficult.

Both Star and Joey have now sampled calf muesli with interest. Getting them to look down in the feeder instead of to my hands is the next step.

Leigh put a round bale out on the 75 acres and another in the piggery paddock for the weaners. Tomorrow I will be locking up the ryegrass paddock to hopefully grow for hay.

Geoff discovered a leak in a decommissioned pipe in the walls of the house. The search for the join with the mains pipe meant digging up some garden. Murphy's Law says it was the one section of garden that was fully weeded, well mulched and growing happily. I think we managed to minimise the losses, but didn't find the join anyway. The next place to look is under a section of concrete path, hopefully that will bare fruit because plan c is pulling the wall apart !

Late nights at Woolies give access to deeply discounted perishables. Mostly they are left over for a reason, eg lentil soup of vegan burgers. Sometimes I get lucky, and tonight I picked up two batches of my favourite salad and five packs of crumbed chicken pieces. It all helps. I also bought half a dozen packs of small pears for $1.35 each, those are going to be eked out in Annie's milking feed, I hope she enjoys them.

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