10th September, 2023

Almost a frost today, and mostly sunny. Icy edge to the wind but a good drying day.

Finn is not coming in for dinner and isn't keen on his bowl of fresh milk in the morning. He doesn't seem sick or off, maybe he's just filling up on all the bits of pig strewn around. He is hoarding the head, not sure if he is gnawing on it or just admiring it.

I moved Annie and the calves back into the barnyard/sheep shelter paddock where they are closer to the feeding area and dairy, reducing the time I spend walking to get their attention for feeding or milking. And making sure the calves are close to their muesli.

Sarge brought in a mouse last night. Showed me then promptly dropped it and let it run under the lounge. I wish they'd dispatch them before carrying them in !

I gave Poppy another brush today, 15 mins interspersed with treats. I am making good headway in the areas which are relatively untangled but blowing her winter coat, and today I started on some of the matted and dirty areas along her backline where she wallows in the puddles she digs. She looks so much better already.

I've started doing a load of washing on any evening that isn't forcast for rain the next day. If the washing is on the line for the whole day it stands a good chance of drying without needing the dryer. And it's one less thing to roll into the morning.

Tomorrow is my one day off before another five days of work at woolies. With so many off sick we are all pulling extra shifts.

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