9th September, 2023

Back to cold nights/frosty mornings. It feels like there's a random weather generator.

I reintroduced the calves to the muesli bucket. With all the doings around the hay shed they'd started avoiding their previously chosen lair. They're not hugely hungry for it yet, their milk is going a long way to filling them up. As they grow they'll want more to fill and will turn to it.

I was supposed to go to Launnie yesterday for a skin check, but I accidentally made an appointment for the beginning of October as well, so given the horrible weather for driving and how tired I was I cancelled yesterday's. The roads can be difficult when the rain is pelting down, and less than clear thinking is asking for trouble.

Leigh dropped off a pork roast, no crackle as he had to skin the pig (too big to scald) but will eat well nonetheless. Maybe done with a citrus and honey marinade....

I was worried the chickens would fret about the loss of the rooster, but they are fine. It's not like they have a stressful life or any shortages. They've kicked up a notch in the laying, time to sell a few more.

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