7th September, 2023

The day started foggy and windy, then went to lovely, warm and clear, and then to warmish but raining. Three for one deal. During the nice part Geoff did some mowing and I sat Poppy down for another brushing session. She's shedding her coat ready for summer so the more of that I get out now the fewer dreadlocks she'll develop. As it is she needs a heap cut out from under her ears.

Leigh has been moving the pig carcass around with the tractor, keeping it wrapped and in the shade in places where the wind can keep it cool. Unfortunately this is messing with all the setup I had for the calves creep feeder and the sheep foot bath. I will be relieved when the pig gets cut up small enough to go hang in his chiller.

Part of the messing involved letting the cows out into the part of the main paddock where the sheep are. This included the calves, who were delighted to find a new place to explore, new places to nap, and more company on the other side of the electric rope. Oddly, like the sheep, they are small enough to walk under the single line but stayed on this side. It was a bit of a walk going to get them for their dinner though. They might have to stay in the barnyard/sheep shelter for a few more weeks.

I had confirmation that my applications for the Sheep Connect NSW job had been received, which is always a nagging worry.

It seems the survey plan for the sale of the 75 acres was requisitioned. That means the surveyor was asked for more information or to fix a mistake. I knew that it was unlikely that he had done a good job on the plan when I saw the names of the original grantees misspelled twice, in two different ways. It's just one more slow down on an already ridiculously drawn out process, and so close to the end of the ordeal too...

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