21st October, 2023

There was rain forecast for today, but other than fitful showers it took a long while to arrive. Now, at 10.30 pm, there has been thunder and lightning and heavy rain and the dogs are camped at my feet. We've had one 30 second blackout, but hopefully the worst is past. All the whitegoods are unplugged, I'd better make sure the fridges and freezers are plugged in again before bed ...

After the cleaner left this morning I took the quad bike up to Robyn's to pick up Bruce, the larger tractor. He will be used to lift Little Moo in the morning, if the appointment with Josh still goes ahead with the forecast weather. It's time for Little Moo to go and join Big Moo, he's lately showing he's ready to give up being a cow, life has become harder and harder for him as arthritis and his jaw tumour get worse. It's better to save him pain than drag life out at any cost.

I checked on the hop vines and set up the chains for their spring growth, and gave the silver beech saplings a pre-rain water so that the rain would soak right in. I collected the eggs and topped up the calves' muesli and made sure the chooks were good for a day stuck in their coop. Cast my eyes over Jaffa and her group under the macrocarpas, and the herd across the road, Annie and her mob in the loafing shed, and the sheep hunkered down in Cowmahal. I think we are as battened down as we can be.

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