20th October, 2023

With the news that the surveyor had managed not only to take 8 months to produce a plan, but now had produced a plan that the Land Titles Office could not register, Jason and I had a council of war this morning. Ably supported by cups of tea and choc chip anzac biscuits from Billie. We have about a dozen Plan B possibilities depending on what his bank is willing to live with. I guess that's Plans B through to M.

We've worked out some questions for the conveyancer and the accountant and once those are answered we're going to hit up his bank for a way forward. In the meantime he's going to ring the surveyor's company (former company, apparently the surveyor no longer works for them, wonder why....) and put the wood on them not only for expedited completion but a break on the fees.

On the normal world front, I just got the basics done today. With weather forecasts for rain, storms and wind over the weekend it might be a matter of whatever can get done on top of the essentials. Maybe a little work down in the craft room is due.

Geoff dispatched the old black hen with the tumours. She was one of the original australorps from Arfur at Ringarooma that formed the beginning of our Tassie flock.

Here is a photo of the piggy across the road. She's definitely happier out in the fresh air.

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