19th October, 2023

Today was a little hazy, forerunner of the clouds to come over the weekend. The air was warmer though, even at the end of the night I am sitting with the door open and the air is still, damp and not too cold. It's bringing out that minty eucalyptus slightly smoky smell that comes from the bush and paddocks around us.

Today I weeded and mulched and watered all the pots and sprayed thistles in the house yards and main driveway. If I get time tomorrow (unlikely), I'll do the barnyard, piggery and sheep shelter paddock. Then the ryegrass paddock and main paddock on the weekend (rain permitting).

I backlined the two bottle calves for worms, as they are grazing well and it's been a bad year for worms, and they aren't drawing antibodies from a mother's milk. Adult cattle in good condition almost never need worming, but being a poddy calf isn't the most ideal immune system setup, so it's better to take just a little extra care of them.

I picked up another bag of milk powder and one of scratch mix for the chooks, and dropped off two cartons of eggs. I stayed well away from everyone so as not to pass on the lurgi. 

I did go to work today, the shift went quickly as it was a busy night. I wasn't the supervisor so I was able to pace myself and got through in reasonable order. I picked up a nice selection of fresh veges for dinners over the next couple of days, and a roast pumpkin quiche to provide an alternative to the chicken laksa Geoff made last night that will do for several meals.

Leigh confirmed that he had moved the pig across to the 75 acres. She has access to a shelter there anyway, plus water and shade, and can get in and wallow down on the swamp if she wants. She seems to be in a cheerful mood and he is bringing her surplus bread and veges on top of her browsing and foraging. Happy pig. He's talking about breeding her instead of eating her, as she does have a very good temperament.

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