18th October, 2023

Another sunny day. There is rain forecast for the weekend, which means I will no doubt be well about the same time it starts.

Today the vet came and castrated Zipper and put ear tags in him, Joey and Star. She also vaccinated Poppy and discussed options for helping out her old bones. I need to get a urine sample from her for a kidney function baseline before we choose the medication, that will be fun !

I crawled in between the round bales and reached out the eggs from the cache, and filled the space with chaff bags. There is an active nest that I can reach just at the entrance to where the cache was, so hopefully the hen will redirect to that.

I found the dog water was dry, looks like that will be a daily job now, and filled it and watered the pots. It will be time to lay out sprinklers and lines soon. We have rain forecast for the weekend, but that won't take long to dry off.

It's our wedding anniversary today, 15 years. Amazing. Might get fish and chips and salad for dinner, I don't think I am well enough to eat out.

And a special treat, from the father in law (in Odessa, Texas) of Damon Lane, a meteorologist in the US. Remember, you can click on the picture and it should come up larger.

"this picture of his house during the solar eclipse today. Look at all the crescents! They were everywhere! As the sunlight hit the trees, the light was scattered everywhere under the trees. It lead to all of these crescent shapes. How cool !!!"


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