27th October, 2023

I was greeted by half a starling when I got up. Someone obviously decided to snack before breakfast and left the rest for the silly humans who can't catch their own food.

I came home from a trip into Scottsdale to hear sheep baaing as I paused at the gate. Where are my sheep now ? What are they doing ? Then I heard a lamb baa and I realised Leigh had put his sheep in the shearing shed to clear out for shearing. I poked my head in and saw the new ram, a young fella with a friendly eye, unlike old Jack, who lived to be a jerk.

The calves are now on 450g of powder in 3 litres of water until the powder runs out. They are eating enough muesli and there is enough protein in the grass to wean them off the milk now.

I went out with the spray pack and tagged all the thistles in the first part of the main paddock around cowmahal. They were variegated thistle and already flowering. Probably need to do a quick walk around and check the rest of the paddocks.

Little Moo is now scheduled for Monday afternoon.

Work was madly busy, it bodes ill for the run up to Christmas as it's not going to get any quieter.

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