28th October, 2023

I didn't get much sleep last night. My head wasn't slowing down, even by 2am. A glass of wine sometimes help sleep, but it does bring on hot flashes. I think I am going to try proper kava and see if that does the job for the once a monthish that I need to wind my mind down, without triggering the hot flashes.

Leigh finished shearing his sheep, a slow job when he's doing himself. Somehow he managed to let them get out into the piggery paddock and then spent half an hour trying to chase them back into the yards before calling Siobhan and the kids to help. Then back on the truck and back to their paddock on the other side of Scottsdale. 

The automatic gates were very slow opening, so investigations found that Leigh had turned the power for the shearing shed off at the wall in the dairy, which threw the gates back on battery power. Switched on they were back to full speed. I probably need to move the plugs around so that one stays on.

We had a lovely dinner with Warwick & Teena at their farm on the other side of Scottsdale. They run a few sheep and cattle and have two very large dogs, cane corso, a huge mastiff breed from Italy,

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