4th October, 2023

Well, I moved the dwarf mulberry, but I thought the tangelo would be fairly safe. I was right in that they didn't want to eat it... but I was wrong in that they did want to fight it. So it's lost pretty much everything above three feet high, and only time will tell if it will survive. I clipped back all the broken branches and put a couple of sheep panels around it to try and protect what was left. I am glad I fenced out all the rest of the fruit trees when making the electric fences for the grazing area.

The cold is back again, snow below 800m on Thursday, 1500m today, and winds that are going through you rather than around. No wonder the plants get confused.

Annie is on her second day of just feeding and no milking. She's not even all that enthusiastic for the feed. She seems to be holding fairly well in the udder, not too full. I will feed and check for anther couple of days and then call it quits. 

At the moment spending ten minutes instead of an hour is welcome, and one less chore will be great. It would be different if she was easy to hand milk, but she has tiny teat orifices and an unwillingness to put a foot back to give access to the udder. One is a matter of training, the other is probably never going to change.

So far the chickens are laying in the nest boxes and haven't gone too far afield with their nesting. I always seem to have one broody, but they change from day to day so I am not sure who to put in the broody pen to snap out of it.

Finn is getting the same kind of damp mats on his back as Poppy. I think it's an artifact of the relentless wet weather. Hopefully if I get them both divested of this batch of mats the dryer summer weather will avoid making new ones.

Leigh's last pig is out again, seemingly able to fly. I think it's time he just opened the pen gate and left her food in there for when she comes by. I have to give her points for determination.

I wasn't successful in getting a job with Sheep Connect NSW, which is a pity because that could have been interesting. But they would like to hold onto my resume for project work. I do have an interview for the Council admin jobs on Friday. I need to find some interview clothes and have a think about what sort of hours I'd be up for.

I gave a tweak to the bonsaid apple tree. I tightened both the top and bottom wire and shifted it perhaps 20 degrees closer to vertical. That will do for a few weeks, I don't want to tear the roots.

 Just Good Friends - Sandra Henderson

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