24th November, 2023

Annie brought Abe in as usual, but he didn't find a spot to sit down, he wandered all over, in and out of her sight line. She got very dancy and finally ended up raining a hose of poop down on my head without warning. I held the cups in place long enough to finish milking without sucking up any of the poop, but I didn't take any for the house just in case.

Then I hosed myself off, and her off, and spent 20 mins hosing down everything in the milking area before I could go ahead with emptying the milk and cleaning the machine. It was possibly the worst milking ever.

I had a shower and breakfast and regrouped, and went and picked up Bruce. There are cows in the paddock next to our shared gate so I brought him back along the road. Thankfully only a short distance but quite nerve wracking as tractors bounce and the steering is direct and I had to go as fast as I could so as not to be a traffic hazard.

I moved about ten bales, lining them up in the barnyard behind the chook house instead of directly into the shed as Bruce is too big to get around in the hayshed. I am not sure how I am going to get them into the shed if Bessie can get in there but can't lift them and Bruce can lift them but can't maneuver in there.

Ashleigh, a veterinary student, arrived as I was heading out for more bales. We sorted out her luggage and room and went back out to bring in the rest of the bales. She rode in the cab behind me, which was one advantage of Bruce over Bessie. We did the ryegrass paddock, and two out of the main paddock and then pulled up for lunch, which we did at the Art Gallery.

We got back to the farm just in time to receive the new forks from Delmade, which were unloaded from the truck with a high ab, and moved into the barnyard by Bruce. 

We then moved the last of the bales into the barnyard, by which time we were just about cooked and well tired. Inside for a cool off then a farm tour for Ashleigh to meet all the critters.

We had a shower and changed into respectable clothes and with Geoff we went and had pizza and beers with Pete and Juliet at Little Rivers Brewery. A relaxing ending to a very big day.

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