17th December, 2023

A reasonably sunny day that drifted into overcast.

It appears a possum made an attempt at the fruit trees last night, the cherries are at eating stage. Finn was barking like a dog possessed and there were trampled grasses around a couple of the trees and some of the bottle brushes. I think he chased it into a bottle brush and it's made good it's escape over the fence. Which is good, I prefer him not to be killing possums but appreciate them being kept off the fruit trees.

The raspberry is bearing prolifically too, a good double handful of those every day. It looks like the cox's orange pippin missed the pollination roulette, no apples on that one this year. Granny smith, pink lady and the huon crab do have apples. Both the cherries, both the plums, not the peach or the nectarine. The ciders are all covered in baby apples as usual and will need thinning soon.

Calab and I fixed the leaking pipeline this morning. There was a nick in the polypipe which had been fixed many years ago by someone putting garden hose over the spot and clamping it tight with a metal hose clamp. The hose clamp has simply rusted out. So I went to the spare parts boxes and assembled a join out of bits and we put it on and it is holding nicely. I feel like a real farmer.

While we were in the fixing mood we got a length of fencing wire and a gripple and fixed the bent clothesline arms as well.

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