18th December, 2023

Overcast and showers on and off for most of the day. It set in steadily and softly in the evening and is probably doing the plants good. The on and off rains for the last month have saved me a heap of watering.

I went and picked up stock feed, Geoff's christmas present from the post office, some wine and plants for gifts, and dropped off chocolates for the vet clinic and Elders. I also booked a preg test and castrate for the cattle tomorrow morning and Sarge in for a dental check next week.

Leigh dropped in for a visit, he's moving quite gingerly as he'd been kicked in the ribs working cattle and knocked out when he hit the ground. He has broken ribs on the right side and is probably lucky it wasn't the left as he'd be a fair chance of having his heart stopped by a full kick from an adult cow.

The picture below shows the big range of fruiting times for the cider apples. The one at the back is just starting to blossom and the one at the front has decent sized fruit.

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