1st December, 2023

Still steamy and close but no rain. The sort of thunderstormy day that gives headaches.

The first feed for all four calves at the big feeder went well. Annie is a little hostile to the new calves because Abe is curious about them and she is worried they will lead him astray. They will start to smell like her soon, being on her milk, and she will accept them as part of the herd.

I opened the fence to let Jaffa and Sorcha and their calves back into the main paddock to clean up after the hay cutting. As at dark they had still not realised the gap was there.

I sprayed the broody hen and implement shed nest boxes with avitrol. A second spray on Sunday and then I'll put the hen into the broody pen. Hens who go broody don't dust bath and end up with lice because they just sit on the nest, only going for food and water, for three weeks or more. The best way to prevent lice buildup in the boxes is to put any broodies in the pen immediately. This gets them back on eating properly again too. A broody hen can lose alot of weight.

I gave the sheep the pods from the peas I had bought at the Amish vege stall. I need to get another batch this weekend. One of life's simple pleasures is eating peas from the pod.

The Woolies christmas party was on tonight. I was closing so didn't get to go. I went over and had a drink with Juliet and Shane and Geoff (who wasn't working and did attend) after I closed up.

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