30th November, 2023

The east coast low is still hanging around, bringing winds from the east and intermittent showers.

The snails have completely eaten the golden nugget pumpkins and zucchini plants, and are still encroaching on the passionfruit. I watered them and put out some more snail bait as the rain had dissolved the last lot. I clipped the grass around the hops and wrapped any trailing vines around the supporting chains.

Robyn dropped off her two calves, beef cross boys. Flora took the opportunity to muscle her way into the hay shed calf muesli station so I did some rapid adjustments. Hopefully it's a calf only zone now. The new boys are happy to follow Star and Joey and will hopefully come in for milk in the morning.


 Annie continues to be a rock star. She was waiting for me this morning and paused to pee and poop before coming in to the dairy. She's holding good condition despite producing at least 20 litres a day plus whatever Abe is eating, six to eight litres easily. I will need to watch her condition closely as summer sets in (whenever that will be !) and the grass dies off.

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