9th December, 2023

And down it comes. 14mm overnight and some huge thunderclaps. Getting the washing done will be interesting, as will the thistle spraying. And of course moving that hay. While the rain is great for the pasture, I'd like one weekend clear to stow the hay, then it can have at it.

The cleaner came and we hit the cleaning and got it out of the way. I took some pea pods out to the sheep and collected the eggs, did the calf muesli and topped up the maize in in the feed storage tubs. I was wondering whether I should roll the two 25 acre herds into one, but how to keep Freya and Zipper from eating the muesli ? I will have to come up with something clever.

I spent the rest of the day folding washing and doing admin, it's cold enough to have the heater on. Winter is back. Early dinner, early night.

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