10th December, 2023

A cloudy day but warm, for those periods without a breeze it was quite sticky. The northwest was going to be in heatwave conditions according to the forecast, but over our way it got quite cool once the breeze picked up.

I sorted out a new system for calf muesli, they'll be getting it in tubs in the yards while they wait for their milk. At the very least it might quiet the chorus of mooing while I milk.

I also moved Sorcha, Jaffa and their calves into the sheep shelter paddock and did a full farm thistle spray. While checking Calab's cottage garden for thistles I found the raspberry bushes are bearing, so a nice handful of those for a snack and a memo to self to check those daily.

I visited with all the herd across the road and brought Belle, Moose and Beanie back over. I put them into the cottage paddock to eat it down. The moves into the paddocks next to the houses are to help reduce fire risk over summer.

Apparently I failed to latch the gate across the road properly and Leigh's pig went for a walk, narrowly avoiding getting squashed on the highway. She's back in now and I will make sure to double check the latch in future.

I did get three loads of washing done, but forgot to feed the chickens. They are free ranging and have a feeder full of pellets so no harm done except to their expectations. I also put the first coats of a nice blue paint on one side each of the doors to the craft room.

Charlie dropped by in the afternoon and we made some plans for hay stowing on Wednesday arvo, hopefully the rain won't hit until the evening. The only weekday in three weeks that we have planned to move hay and also the only weekday now getting a rain forecast. It's uncanny. He'll take four bales of silage in return for the tractor driving.

I used the liraglutide pen for the first time tonight. Once I walked through the instructions it was fairly straightforward. And the needle is ultra fine and hurt less than I expected. I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to anticipated pain. I'd better start weighing myself too.

Here is a forget me not that has seeded out in the driveway.

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