24th January, 2024

Reasonably breezy, but so steamy ! Headed up into the high 20s after lunch and when we hit 25 inside I turned the ac on at 21 and chilled the loungeroom for the dogs, kicking it up to 22 when they cooled off. Wonder how all those flock guardians in Qld and NSW are coping. 

I would have moved the broodies to the broody pen early but it would have been pretty uncomfortable in there today. When I went to shift them once the temps dropped this evening there was only one actually camped. She should get 4 nights before it gets hot again.

Started watering again, especially the newly planted vines and the potted plants that dry out fast. I fertilised the succulents and noted that they probably need repotting before winter. I'll find a bag of cactus potting mix for them. 

The hops are about to flower, they enjoy getting plenty of water on their feet and heat on their leaves. The passionfruit are still with me, the snails seem to have let up.

Robyn's two hereford cross calves will go back tomorrow as they are now old enough to wean and Abe is having a growth spurt and taking more milk. I have to mix milk powder (Robyn sent half a bag) to make up the shortfall in feeds when I take milk for the house. It will be better to give my two all they can drink, stop buying pellets for them, and they still have plenty on the days I take for the house.

The sheep (or the calves) ate all the mineral with the biowormer, I'll top that up again tomorrow.

The back bedroom and office are now ready for the vet students that have booked in for a farm placement at the beginning of February. I haven't had confirmation that they are coming, but if they do the rooms are ready. If they don't, they are ready for guests.

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