17th February, 2024

Good grief !  A week ? Have to get back on track.

There was a little rain (6mm) and lots of lightning and apparently 14 fires in the district, including one at West Scottsdale which might have been of concern to us, except it was jumped on very fast. They suspect arson in four of the fires, that better be stopped short.

Beanie and her baby, now named Selkie, are doing fine. Leigh brought his herd across the road and took the cows away, leaving the steers, bulls and calves here. The bull thought he was on a sure thing with Flora, but she is retired so I gave her the nod and opened a gate and she slipped through. 

Then I found the calf group in the hay shed eating my rounds and his hereford cross heifer in with Belle. So, all his cattle except the hereford went back across the road, they will all be going to the sale in a month except Stormy's (his murray grey) heifer who will rejoin her mother once weaned.

So. Jaffa, Sorcha, Freya, Zippy and Jack are across the road with the remnants of Leigh's herd. Belle, Moose, Beanie, Selkie, Annie, Abe, Joey, Star, Flora and now Gizmo and the hereford cross are on this side. And the sheep have the barnyard to themselves again. I did pick up two dry feed blocks for the animals, and will put those next to the green feed ones so they can choose what they want as the feed dries out.

The tv screen from Officeworks arrived and I set it up on the bench on feet until Geoff can get behind the old one with a screwdriver and swap them. I don't feel quite as blind. I think the new one has a clearer picture, and it connects to the internet so I can watch recipe videos and Ted Talks while I cook now, if I feel inclined.

The vet students came back and we went for a visit to the FreeHearts Sanctuary at Ringarooma. I think my animals are actually friendlier. We did get the ten long beams of wood back across the road, so that's one big job off my list. We also went blueberry picking and one of them made blueberry jam. We picked a kilo of berries for Juliet and a kilo for Robyn and brought 7 kilos home here. Most are in the freezer in 500g lots.

I gave my resume to Michael Courtney to pass on if he finds a suitable recipient. He does the computers for alot of businesses around town. No news on the Jondi Farms job, word is they will take some time to make up their minds. I also gave a copy of my resume to the recruiter at the Defence Facility. Fingers crossed.

The hops are flowering and should give a good harvest this year. I have fixed up a sprinkler system for the silver birch that should eliminate ongoing problems with water pressure and insects getting inside the sprinklers. I am still feeding the cows and sheep buckets of apples. I need a ladder to get to the higher ones.

Weight loss has plateaued, but I think that might be partially due to the temptations of showing visitors around the food and destinations of the northeast. I'll give it a week or so of normal eating to see if things start moving again.

The phone sent by Aimee for the drone arrived and I set the up with the controller. We took it out for a play and I had a good time zooming up and down and learning the controls. Sarge didn't want a bar of it, Finn wanted to eat it. The cows took off when it went over, so I will have to be well high not to spook them. It can look outwards and downwards and take video and photos.

Here is a photo by the drone of Sarge giving it the evil eye

And this is the two students, Yuna and Emmanuelle.

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