3rd June, 2024

We had a severe weather warning starting at 2am. This did not happen. About lunchtime it got really windy and just on dark we got a little rain. What we did have was some atmospheric moisture and a midday sunshine which put a rare southerly rainbow up. The other end was just on the fig tree (in the tree guard) in the sheep shelter paddock, so it was technically a full arc, just with no moisture to show it at the top.

This is a closer view of the other end, just hovering in the mist.

I needed to put feed out for everyone and decided to use silage, and got the chain and strap out for Bessie. Unfortunately two weeks of cold weather since her last charge left the battery not quite punchy enough to start her. So I put the charger on for an overnight charge and Geoff and I rolled a hay round out of the hayshed by hand and put that in a ring in the barnyard. 
While the sheep are in with the cows there is no point trying to feed them treats in tubs, it will be a scrum. So I am introducing the sheep to the lucerne cubes. I am now up to 5 of the 7 happy to eat them. Two of the cattle no longer want chocolate chip cookies, they get two cubes. 
I received a call from the passport office late in the afternoon. It turns out that the photos I had found and used for my application were the same shot I had used to renew it last time, so I couldn't use those. I didn't know this because I couldn't find my old passport so didn't see the photo in it ...So I have to get new passport photos, but the camera at the post office wasn't working when I did the passport application. Which is why I was glad to find some suitable pics in the folder ... 

If the camera is still out of order at the post office I will have to drive to Launceston to get shots done. And it will have to be tomorrow because every day counts in trying to get this paperwork done to close the SMSF off before the end of the financial year. I can't believe things are still going wrong !!!

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