16th July, 2024

More wind, still no rain. While most farms would want the rain, those where calving has started will be secretly relieved not to be checking the cows in the driving rain as well as howling wind.

This morning I moved three round bales into the boat shed where the tractor is parked. This will save some time over the next couple of weeks as opening the gate into the hayshed to bring a bale out requires either locking the weaners into the loafing shed or putting up with them galivanting around in the hay shed while trying to pick up bales. With only the boat shed gates open I can load a bale and take it straight out and there's not too much they can do in the boat shed. Up there for thinking !

The vet came and took a look at Pickle. She seems to have had a grass seed create an abscess in her cheek, so no bone is involved and he thinks the swelling is just inflammation and will resolve in time. He did point out one molar that is growing long without an opposite tooth on the bottom to grind against. Filing that back will require sedation and grinding, but should be good for a couple of years. I'll organise that for the spring when the grass is soft.

The vet also suggested looking for a second hand vbelt lift handler. This is a pneumatic unit that holds the sheep in a v shaped cradle and lifts them up nice and high so I can get to their feet to trim them. This would save no end of being smashed up and down the race while I try to wrangle their feet. It might be worth saving up for one.

I tested the second screen by moving it over to the desktop unit that runs the cameras. It worked all day there without a flicker. Moved it back to the laptop and it's out. So either the socket that it plugs into is toast or the driver in the laptop is. Another tick in the "buy a new bigger faster laptop that will stop freezing up and taking 15 minutes to start" column.

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