29th August, 2024

Today started with more wind, but bright sunshine. The forecast is for more rain this arvo, but it's nice to see the sun. Little Tiddy won't know what to make of that big shiny ball in the sky.

Finally some word from the bank "go ahead and order your machine, we'll catch up with the paperwork". Of course I'm not going to order the mower without having the cash actually in the bank account, but that's a move in a positive direction.

It was so windy today that Belle and I were exchanging glances during milking, wondering if the roof was going to come off. The sheep have access to the hay shed again, they are tucked in among the straw bales and are happy as pigs in mud. The cattle have a choice of two sheds and plenty of hay, so of course they were out on the most exposed hillside picking at the remnants of the grass.

Another shipment of the little magnetic LED lights arrived today and I put some more up in strategic places around the house. They are motion activated and rechargable so they can be used always anywhere.

I found out today that the interview next week will also be for the part time job at Service Tas because I have been short listed for that.

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