9th August, 2024

A lovely foggy morning, one of those days when the sun shines above a lake of billowing white below and everything is quiet because the fog muffles sound. I scored a weird shift of 9am to 2pm, so the clouds had come over by the time I got home.

I had the interview at Elders on Monday, and I think I did ok. I was able to answer all the "can you tell us about a situation where you..." questions (which I hate) with examples that were a bit different to the normal. They don't have to fill the job until November, so I don't anticipate a quick outcome.

Kelly and I met for a cuppa and snack at the House Paddock, the new cafe that has replaced the art gallery. They have heaps of fresh produce and gourmet shelf items. I bought salted caramel melting moments for Geoff and rose turkish delight dipped in chocolate for me. There were heaps of home made cakes and desserts.

Belle has started filling her udder and her pin ligaments are going soft in preparation for calving. It could be anywhere from about three days to two weeks. Lots of good milk for the house when she does.

The grass is just starting to grow. Brad Hill and his offsiders mowed for us as the driveway area had reached about a foot long. We are still waiting on bank for finance for the mower, we were supposed to hear by Tuesday last week, Wednesday at the latest. The bank manager is not answering calls or emails, I'll ring the branch if I haven't heard from him by lunchtime Monday. He'd mentioned he had alot of staff off sick, hopefully he's just been off work himself and not avoiding me.

Tried to lime wash the fruit trees to keep off cherry and pear slug, but the mix was too runny. I revisited the website with the recipe and found the small print that said "add more lime until the paint is thick enough to adhere to the tree bark". So I'll add more lime and try again. That really should have been part of the instructions ...

I have finished the craft room clean and layout, all the furniture is in place and the stuff on the shelves is sorted and tidy. I still have the frame to hold the sink, and the plumbing for it, internet access, and some door painting to do but that won't stop me using the room. I picked up a motion sensor light that will activate when the door opens, as the switch for the main lights is on the other side of the room from the door, for some strange reason. I will take some craft supplies down this weekend from the spare room and spend some time just fooling around to get into the habit of going down and being creative.

It looks like the hens are on the way again, I found a nest down in implement shed, with a week's worth of eggs. I'll put fake eggs in to keep them coming back. Stuart Burr has some australorp pullets for me in spring that will give us enough eggs for the house since most of my girls are retirees.

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