30th September, 2024

Out of the last four days we've had one good, two middling and one crappy. I am liking those ratios a bit more than what we've been having...

The vet visit on Friday was a success. Tiddy and Mato (Sorcha's new calf) were castrated and had ear tags put in. Then the vet floated Pickles teeth (ground down the sharp edges) and pulled the split and loose molar that was causing irritation and cuts in her cheek. She's looking heaps better, eating more comfortably. He also gave the flock all a shot of long acting antibiotic to help clear up the long running cases of foot scald due to the wet and cold weather. We should see some results for that in the next day or so.

Annie gave me a scare, she had what looked like melted butter running out both nostrils yesterday. It looked like some kind of fast moving infection because she'd been fine the day before. And both nostrils is odd, it's generally one. But there was nothing there today so I think she might have been unwise about eating and coughing.

The pet meat guy will come and put Flora down this coming Friday. It's sad to see the old girl reach the end, but she's steadily becoming less mobile and a down cow will be a dead cow. Toot (the wether) and Jack (lowline steer) are also on the watch and act list. If Jack can lose some weight he'll go alot better. But getting ruminants to lose weight without getting fatty liver is an exercise in precision nutrition.

I applied for the job at the Council and hopefully that I will be short listed again. I also had a brief call with the Service Tas recruiters. They were after what my preferences were (part time) and whether two weeks full time training in Hobart would be a problem (it would). They are going to think about the training thing and get back to me. Then it's a matter of whether a position comes up in Scottsdale. The HR person at Elders confirmed today that no decision has been made on that job yet. If they want someone to start in November it will need to come to that point sooner rather than later.

Still now word on the loan for the mower. It comes as no surprise given every other time I have dealt with them. Hopefully it will be approved and hopefully it will be before the grass gets so long I have to pay someone with a big machine to mow it again.

I did some more fencing, reconnecting power and moving energisers, clipping plants off hot wires etc. I fenced most of the main paddock off and gave the animals the far end connected to the shelter by a laneway. The fenced off area will be added to the area to be fertilised. This will cost a fair bit this year, but it's something that needs to be done and will end up cheaper than buying hay because I've exhausted the soil. Always better to grow your own grass.

It looks like Jason will take Freya and Zippy in return for the haying he did for me in 2021 and 2023. His bull was their father (a speckle park) and he's watched them grow up since calving. He may also take Joey and Moose, but he'll have to take a look at them to see if they can fit in with his beef herd.

I'm off to Launceston on Wednesday to go to a dinner/presentation/Q&A and stay the night. I'm looking forward to the little break. I've moved my appointment for finalising my will to that day and I'm still hopeful I can get a cancellation to have my skin check with Dr Maggie that day too.

I need to look around for a new phone. My seven year old one won't be any good once they turn off 3G at the end of October. I need to find something sturdy, simple and not locked to a network. Time to start looking at reviews.

Sarge and Suzie (Shredder) cuddled up on the hot water system. I wish it was big enough to crawl in with them for a lovely long warm nap.

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