25th September, 2024

We've had a few mixed days; sun, rain, wind, cloud, still, thunder, fog and mizzle. Rumour is that the wind will be back again next week. Blah. At least we have finally caught up with the average annual rainfall, now we just need the sun to kick the grass up. A batch of fertiliser should go on in the next week or so.

Well, since they've had access to the grass the cows have left the remains of the last round bale completely alone. I possibly should have waited until they finished the bale before letting them at the grass... I added a green feed mineral block to the range the cattle and sheep have access to, there should be something there for everyone no matter what feed they are on.

Sorcha had a big bull calf yesterday. He's quick on his feet and not keen on humans, which will make getting him in so the vet can castrate him and Tiddy on Friday an interesting challenge. 

The vet will also be pulling a tooth in one of the sheep, Pickle. She's lost a lower molar and the upper one is beginning to overgrow without one opposite to grind against.

Flora is back in with the herd, and the sheep have access to the main area again too. Now the cows are on long grass Flora can keep up with the grazing and I don't have to worry about her getting knocked over in the melee around the round bale. Her knees are getting worse though, and the pet food guy from Launnie will come and shoot her in a week or so, so that she doesn't have to get on a truck or be injected with chemicals that make her body dangerous for scavengers. She won't know it's coming, she will be head down eating treats. It's a sad time, but she's starting to be in pain.

No news on the job front, but two positions have just been advertised. One is a part time administrator job at the hospital. The other is a part time customer service position at the Council. I interviewed for a similar position about this time last year, but they decided they needed a full time person at that point. I am going to apply again. It's 20 hours over three days a week, which is about what I do at Woolies. The pay rate is better, I get the hours over with in three days instead of four or five, and I am not on my feet all shift.

The possum is still finding ways to mess up the dairy, I think I will trap him or her and have Siobhan relocate them to a suitable forest. The rats are attacking too, now that the cats can't get into the dairy control room because I have closed it off from the possum. I've ordered an electric rat trap, since the eco-safe baits seem to be proving tasty but not fatal.

Had afternoon tea with Juliet, Robyn, Brit and Billie (and baby) on Monday arvo. We are going to make it a regular thing. Juliet is the mother of Thomas, who is working for Robyn. Brit is the sister of Charlie, who used to work for Robyn. It was quite a Tasmanian "six degrees of separation" thing.

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