8th September, 2024

We have another front rolling in, a prospect that makes me feel a little dismal. I wonder if I am getting the spring version of winter blues. Working outside in this weather is wearing a little thin.

The dishwasher was showing the same error message tonight, which was a worry until I tried to have a shower. The water pressure was so low it was more of a dribble than a shower, so my guess about the water pressure being to low was right.

The latest possum was trashing the dairy control room each night, so I've blocked his/her access points and that seems to have kept the critter out. Unfortunately, the cats can't get at rats and mice in there now so I will have to set some traps. Finn chased it up an apple tree so I put both dogs inside for a few hours to allow it to come down and get away. But then I discovered it's been eating our eggs too. It's not being a good tenant, but possums are difficult to relocate without them being attacked in the new territory so I am not sure what to do.

Udesh in the fruit and veg dept at work alerted me to a pallet of strawberries that had been condemned due to too many bad fruits among them. They were going to be put in the skip. With Kahlia's consent (manager of fruit and veg) I got in touch with Karen and Red Dirt Cafe. The cafe provides meals and company to the needy, homeless and lonely, and runs on donations from local businesses and farmers. They salvaged 45kg of strawberries and are going to make compote and jam to use in the cafe.

Staff picked up some trays of strawberries too, I got one for Juliet and one for me and will share a third between Robyn and Kelly. Strawberry smoothies with jersey milk are in my future !

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