12th October, 2024

We've had some sunny days and some windy days, a series of fronts crossing the state.

I managed to kill a very nice boronia and a small jasmine somehow. I am not sure if it was water deprivation or the repeated chills (which the saffron and mulberry aren't loving either), but I am pretty sure both are toast. Same with the passionfruit. I guess I just keep planting things and those that survive are what I plant more of.

We also lost a chicken, old age I think, as many of the chooks have been here as long as I have.

I've had a few days off work with a bug, coinciding with me telling Janice I was resigning after a particularly difficult shift. There has been some confusion and I had to tell them I wasn't actually resigning (yet). I did lodge another two job applications though, so hopefully it's just a matter of time.

I put in one for part time work at a rural supplies store, Muir's, and one for work-from-home doing proof reading. No word on Elders or the Council yet.

Brad Hill and his team came and mowed and whippersnipped the driveway and Calab's garden, we can only hope that the next time it needs doing Geoff will be on his own zero turn mower and they will just go around with the whipper snipper. Hah.

Leigh brought his sheep over for shearing and broke the "long gut" in his shearing machine. That's the core of the machine that spins around and makes the shears cut. He also managed to leave a gate ajar and the cows all escaped down the Sledge Track and Jason had to bring them back up. They had a ball on their adventure but it could have had a bad outcome so I gave Leigh a lecture and will get a padlock and chain for the two road gates that aren't used regularly so that if someone needs to use them they will have to ask me for the key and I will therefore know to check them.

Gray is here for a couple of days doing odd jobs around the place. Today he repaired and put back up the cap from Calab's chimney, helped Geoff prune two apple trees, tied some wire back on the hop paddock fence posts, ran the cable for the internet into my craft room, and started work on the steps for the silo. 

Oh, and we figured out how to redo the automatic gate so that the arms are closed when the gate is closed instead of extended when the gate is closed, which will protect the arms more. With this worked out I can now order two gate posts and two eight foot gates and we will put new ones in. I will use the old seven foot ones around the farm.

We had another aurora display, not quite as dramatic as the last one, but still pretty awesome. I will put pictures up when I can get them off the phone.

The washing machine is playing up. I pulled all the removable parts out and cleaned them and put them all back together and it completed a cycle. I'll put another one on tomorrow and see if it's going to be an intermittent fault or my good clean out has solved the problem.

This is Beanie on the left and Annie on the right. Both are nursing calves at the moment so they get a little extra feed as the grass is still not coming on like it should. Belle is giving milk for the house and Tiddy is nice and fat. Sorcha and little Mato are doing well too.

I let the herd into the hops paddock today for half the day, it has knee length grass and they enjoyed the feast after having to work hard in the main paddock. I will give them that every second day and we might get a few grazes out of it. If the grass doesn't take off soon I will have to feed out my last six rounds, and then ask Robyn or Jason to rent a small area of grass. Surely proper spring has to arrive soon ?

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