13th October, 2024

Another sunny day with a mild breeze. By the late evening it was as still as anything, and felt quite comfortable, though when I breathed out I could see my breath, which suggests it's cold. The weather thingy says it's 8 degrees, but it feels nice.

Today I sprayed the driveway to try and reclaim some of the gravel back from the grass. Gray did some more on the silo steps and then we hooked in and did the back of the chook house. We pulled off all the old timber and replaced noggins where they had rotted out.

Charlie dropped by and returned the Waybill book and the three ear tags he was going to use for his steers as he's decided to keep them for a while longer. We did get most of his application for a PIC done, so he will be able to order his own Waybill book and ear tags soon. 

Another day on the hops paddock for the cows, they are very keen to go in and not keen to come out at the end of the day. There is maybe one or two more days grazing there, then I will have to look closely at what grass is available and perhaps open up some of the main paddock again, pending fertiliser delivery.

I cleaned the silo out for storage, but getting into it has been a matter of climbing a folding step ladder while balancing a storage tub and trying to climb under the band of steel that crosses the doorway to hold the round silo together. This will solve at least the climbing part and once we can access the silo properly we might be able to move the band to a better position. The first section of the silo steps.

The left hand side of the chook house was done a few years ago. The two halves are the same size, so I was able to count the palings and battens on that side to know how many to order for this round. There's enough to do the southern end as well, but that's been protected from the sun and the weather so we may not do that this time and do something else more urgent. This is after we've stripped the old timber off the back.

I found a dead feral cat in the driveway this morning, a big black tomcat. While I feel sad for the cat, he would have caused a few problems if he'd settled in, not least of them being that Sarge can't defend himself with no teeth and would have been a target for being bashed up. I think Finn must have killed him and it shows that he differentiates between the resident cats that he knows should be here, and strangers.

Tomorrow I will ring around the ag warehouse places to see who has 8 foot gates at what price, Gray may be able to dig the holes and set the new gate posts in ready if I can have the gates there to measure from. Geoff should then be able to hang the gates and program them. But I think it's going to be a special order and the work will be on the list for the next visit.

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