17th July, 2023

Belle seemed to be in heat this morning, all the steers (there are actually a couple of bulls among them) were crowding the fence talking to her and she was yelling. So after milking I walked her across the road to Leigh's mature bull and left her there for the day. There was alot of shenanigans and the cows left their calves with her, and eventually she was standing at the gate by herself looking accusingly at me. I put the halter on and brought her back across the road and she's either preggers or I'll organise a synch.

While Belle was visiting I put the halter on Beanie and brought her back over this side. She'd only had the basic halter training so it was gratifying that she put her nose in the halter and lead well. I think she will be happy to be back with the shelter and family.

One of the steers went on the truck to the butcher today, the others are still in the piggery paddock. Not sure what the plan is for them now.

I put the lining and bed into Finn's box, he looked at it and walked away. I don't know how cold and wet it will have to be for him to use it. I feel bad that he's camped on the gravel in the carport but he doesn't seem to be willing to use any bed other than one of the lounges in the loungeroom.

Today I planned to cook a duck. I had taken a poultry of some kind out of the freezer to defrost and had looked up a good recipe. While I was piecing it out I was thinking the anatomy was a bit odd, then I found the very long neck. And realised it was cut down the back, which means Edwin Hanslow had done the butchery. Which means that it was a goose ! 

I quickly hunted up a new recipe and put it in the slow cooker. Unfortunately it had been in the freezer too long and a combination of freezer burn and the fat picking up freezers smells left the cooked meat inedible and the gravy tainted. The dogs ate some of the gravy on their biscuits so I'll feed it out that way, and I guess the chooks will have the meat. What a pity. 

More mist, more drizzle, more wind.

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