18th July, 2023

I tried to get Finn interested in his new bed. He wouldn't even climb in with me for a treat. I am thinking of taking out the fancy bedding for the moment and filling it with straw like the area he camps in down in the implement shed. Maremma's are a bit like cats in their unwillingness to co-operate.

I took the battery charger off Bessie and put it on Bruce. This very cold weather (tonight will get close to zero degrees) is hard on their batteries and it's better to keep them topped up. I have put in a request for a power point in the tractor shed, safer than running an extension cord across gateways.

The sheep are staying close to the loafing shed, it's so much warmer being both out of the wind and nested in hay over sawdust.

I am going to bring Ox Boy back from over the road. He's a big lug who is hard to manage in the smaller area, but he's not fat and doesn't have much of a winter coat, and being huge is hard pressed to graze enough to fill his belly now the grass is shorter. Having shelter will be the equivalent of an extra feed a day and access to silage or hay will make his life alot nicer.

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