7th August, 2023

Had a trip down to Launceston today for a couple of medical things. I had to fast for some pathology for the Heart Study, but when I got there the paperwork had been sent to another clinic by mistake. The study clinic raced around to get the professor to sign new paperwork and get it to the pathology lab, but it still took from 10am to 11.30am before we got word the doc was in and could do the papers. 

By that time I had to leave for a menopause doctor appointment at 12pm. Only to be told when I got there that she was running way late due to an earlier emergency in the clinic. So I sat there until 12.50pm, spent half an hour in there, and then bolted back to the pathology lab to finally get bloods and a urine sample at 1.30pm, with half an hour left of my 15 hour fast limit.

From there I rushed around to Spotlight to pick up two more wooden venetian blinds as they were on a good special, and from there to Officeworks for a new office chair (mine has lost a couple too many bolts for safety), some little magnets and a pen/holder set for the freezer inventory. And next door to PetBarn for some arthritis supplement for Poppy and some treats for her and Finn.

At that point my blood sugar was reaching irritation level so I went looking for somewhere still open for meals and ended up at KFC. Not the healthiest, but a small chips and some hot and crunchy bits went down like gourmet food after so long without eating.

When I got home it was straight into milking mode. Leigh had let the weaners in with my herd, and among them is a young bull. He was picking on Flora and Little Moo so I wedged them out into another paddock and went back to get Annie, but the bull wasn't keen on me stealing more of his new herd and we had some moments. He followed us to the dairy and carried on at the gate while I milked, so Annie is now in with Flora & Little Moo and the sheep until Leigh moves him on, which I suggested might be sooner rather than later.

I've assembled the office chair, which is delightfully comfortable, and I think a quiet night is in order.

So, the doc is happy that I am doing the heart study, wants me to continue with the current menopause treatments, and is keen for me now to do the bowel scan sample that you get sent in the mail every year or so after you turn 50. I am thinking it might be simpler if they just organised a full body scan and got it all over and done with. I think the only thing I haven't got in the pipeline is a hearing check. 

Back to work tomorrow night. Sigh. At least there are a few things off the list, and a feeling of making progress is good for morale.

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