11th October, 2023

It seems that Leigh has moved the weaners out of the piggery paddock. I didn't see or hear a truck come, but when I left for work the paddock appeared to be empty. Since I come home at 9.15pm there was no chance to check tonight, so I'll take a look in the morning. 

If they have gone it will give the grass a chance to grow back before the summer dries off, and perhaps the heavy grazing of the early germinating barley grass will set it back enough that the later germinating good grasses will out compete it.

He also moved his tractor and a trailer full of corrugated iron and wooden planks that had been at the foot of the old machinery ramp for a year or so. At this rate the barnyard will be a machinery and construction free zone by Christmas. Then it's just my pile of old fencing to go.

I had a message from Eyelines today that my glasses were done, did I want them posted or pickup. I'll call tomorrow and get them sent out, if the frames need adjusting I can attend their next Scottsdale visit. I am really looking forward to trying them out. Not everyone deals well with the change between close and near sight on the lenses, but I think I'll be ok.

I pulled down the driveway electric fencing and rolled up the line. Closed the gates to the driveway and opened the gate to the sheep shelter paddock. Hopefully tomorrow I'll use the step ins to set up the electric divisions and laneway at the far end of the main paddock and move some cattle into the very long grass up there.

While I was laying out the line for that one I found an old horse shoe. I have no idea how long it's been since a horse was on the place for more than a brief visit (we billeted a horse during an endurance ride national comp one year), but I think that one can go up in the craft room.

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