11th November, 2023

The temps reached into the upper 20s today and yesterday. It feels like we've skipped straight to summer. The grass will speed up development quite quickly, and in dry paddocks will shorten the time frame for getting good hay. Thankfully Jason is keeping an eye on mine and will cut at the right time to maximise both nutrition and yeild.

Well, as far as the kava goes, I can't speak to any anxiety reduction as a wolf spider, ran over my hand at 2am and I think dealing with that would be a tough ask for any medication. On the unexpected side effects part of the ledger, the persistant ligament pain in the top of my right foot went completely for most of the day. Correlation is not causation, but it is an interesting coincidence.

I was given some leftover produce at work, three bags of tomatoes that went to Leigh's pig across the road, cold juice bombs straight from the fridge. She was impressed. And two bunches of grapes that went to the sheep. Mixed reactions, some were horrified and others scampered around hoovering up the scattered fruit. You can never tell, Annie turned her nose up at strawberries, though I suspect if she broke into a garden where they were growing she'd eat every last one because that would be naughty.

One of the concrete troughs across the road is overflowing. I will be going to the NRM North Small Farm Living field day tomorrow, so that might be a job for Monday.

I rescued the orchard irrigation line from six months of being overgrown and repaired one small break. Once the orchard grass is mowed I'll lay it out and start watering. I think the grass has moved beyond ride on mower length and needs a visit from the zero turn mower.

I watered the bases of the hops that I think might have died, just in case they are late growers. I am watering the little fern in the blue vase/pot out the front and it's come back from winter burn off.

The critters are all eating well and looking glossy, especially Annie who looks like black silk. The calves need a little more oomph in their feed, so I've added some crushed barley to their muesli and pellet mix and that will help.

The cleaner came today and all is fresh and clean for another week. I do need to get onto some of the clutter. Sigh.

There was a bushfire out near Pioneer and Sth Mt Cameron, the smoke came into Scottsdale on a stiff wind. By the time I had knocked off work the wind had died right down and the air was clearing, so hopefully that change has helped get it under control. It was started by some of the random little thunderstorms that came through this morning.

In big news, the surveyors have advised that they will be here on Tuesday to do one to one and a half days field work, then the office work required to fix the plan of subdivision. Fingers and toes crossed that this is the end of that and the plan will be approved.

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