9th November, 2023

What a gorgeous day ! Sunny, with just the right amount of breeze.

I cut down the hops irrigation line from where I had tied it up on the wires to keep it out of reach of sheep and set it up. The hops were set right back last year when I didn't realise how dry the ground was and didn't start watering soon enough. I gave them a few hours of water today and will set up a twice a week routine. I also started watering the succulents by the back door. The young silver birch had the water on all night, hopefully that will have soaked the clay soil around their roots and give them a kick on.

I went out to Ringarooma and picked up the meat from Josh the butcher. He said if you were going to eat 16 year old beef, this would be the best. It's marbled like wagyu and the kill was absolutely low stress. He put anything he thought might be tough into mince, and kept the first and second tier cuts as normal. Plus lots of brisket and ribs for slow cooking. It is a good thing that I could combine looking after Little Moo's welfare with not wasting his life.

The cats are locked in at night most nights. They mustn't have worked off enough energy today as all three are racing around the house looking for trouble. I'll be lucky if there are no breakages when I get up.

I am going through perimenopause and some nights my mind won't turn off, and combined with the hot flashes I don't get alot of sleep. Maybe once a week. I have picked up some kava powder from Coles and I'm going to try that about half an hour before bed as a sleep aid. I had my first dose tonight, starting with 50% of the recommended dose. I had it in milk, and it's no more bitter than nutmeg, which I enjoy freshly grated into warm milk. I'll see how that goes and take a 100% dose next time to assess the difference.

Here is a photo I stole from the Bridestowe Estate lavender farm. Go and see it if you come to Tassie !

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