8th November, 2023

It was steamy today, patchy storms and spits of rain. It wasn't until after 9pm that the cool change drifted in. The dogs aren't convinced that the storms are over and are crashed out on the loungeroom floor at the moment.

I put the sprinkler on the young silver birch trees. I don't think their roots have made much headway into the clay soil once it started to dry out, so they will need some supportive care in the first year or so.

I've nearly got the back bedroom cleared out and freshened up for the vet student coming here for a placement later in November. Between visitors it tends to become a bit of a dumping ground. It's quite a pleasant room when cleaned up.

The broodies are in their third night of confinement. One more night and they can be let out. Usually it's three nights, but it's warm enough overnight that the cooling effect of the pen might not be working as well. With a broody hen it's the cool air on the breast provided by a perch instead of a nest that breaks the brooding cycle.

There are 12 tiny houses being built on a block on the outskirts of Scottsdale. One and two bedroom houses to be rented to long term tenants instead of tourists. This is the best thing that has happened to the town in ages regarding housing. I can't wait to see the landscaping done and take a look inside.

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